Yesterday marked 17 years since I started my business, faerie’s finest. I launched the website with 26 products. By the time the business ended, we had over a thousand. That business has been over for almost three years and it’s time to move on. I had an idea for a blog three years ago but it wasn’t time. Now it is. I dabbled in the past year but with the family in temporary living while we bought a house my focus was elsewhere. Today it seems fitting to move on to a new stage.
This blog is named Absolutely Perfect because that is my goal – and a goal that would benefit everyone. Not without flaw but perfect in the sense that I am the best me that I can be. Of course, the best me changes as I change because change is part of life. So join my on my journey as I share my life experience. There will be a lot of things covered – food, self-care, jewelry, make-up, mindfulness, health, chronic illness, food allergies, cats, family, politics, spirituality, education, abuse recovery and probably much more. My hope is that you will find usefulness and encouragement in my daily posts. Some will be personal. Some will be informational. There will be both the serious and the frivolous. This blog is a direct reflection of who I am now and my continuing evolution.
Welcome to my little corner of insanity.