Absolutelyperfectme/ January 28, 2019/ Just Me

Two weeks of blogging and two weekly wrapups = a lot of emotions. I’ve felt accomplished, excited, exhilarated, discouraged, afraid, anxious and more. Fortunately through it all my family has been standing steady behind me.

My youngest has told me that I am now a content creator: the schedule I follow is the schedule that works for me. Okay, I get that. Writing is hard work. When I had a commercial website, I wrote all the copy for it. The difference was that then I turned that content over to my website manager who put it all together with graphics into a pretty package. Now I’m doing both the content and the packaging. There’s a lot to learn even with templates and editors and widgets.

I haven’t even started really promoting the blog. I’m writing posts and creating pages and I haven’t even told anyone outside of my family. So that’s the next step. Keep doing what I’m doing. Keep refining what I’m doing. Keep polishing the blog. Start telling people about it.

That’s really scary. So it’s pep talk time.

This is something I’ve thought about for a while. It’s something I want. It’s not new. It’s not sudden. I’m making my dreams a reality. I can do this.

Rinse and repeat pep talk every morning, noon and night.

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