In the first part of Know Your Jewelry I wrote about understanding why you purchase or keep a specific piece.   The second thing to consider is where you will wear your jewelry. This sounds obvious but it is about more than choosing an appropriate style.   Knowing where you wear your jewelry helps you make the best choice in terms of how your jewelry is made. It will affect your purchasing decisions and also what you choose on a daily basis.

Here are some examples:

24/7/365 – Do you always wear the same earrings?   Is it an engagement or wedding ring that you never take off?   If so then you need to make sure you invest in pieces that will be durable and long wearing.  You want to choose solid metals rather than plated metal.

You want to avoid softer gemstones such as pearls, opals or fluorite.   You also want to avoid gemstones that have been lead filled for better appearance. This is a common practice with less expensive rubies and emeralds.

Special occasions – In many ways this is the opposite of jewelry you wear all the time.   You want a certain look but you don’t need the same level of durability. This is an opportunity to wear your opals and pearls.   You can go with rhodium plated silver rather than 14k white gold. You choose for the look.

Work – Many workplaces have some level of dress code.   You may have an entirely separate jewelry selection you only use for work.   Some jobs may deny wearing any jewelry at all. An office job will allow you to wear pieces you wouldn’t wear if you are a landscaper.  

How varied your day to day life is – Some people go to work, come home and completely shed their work clothes and jewelry before doing anything else.   Others get dressed in the morning and go through a variety of activities in the same jewelry.

I belong to the latter group. I work, cook, clean, do yoga, plant flowers, go shopping in whatever jewelry I started the day in.   This means I need to stick to sturdier pieces or I need to take precautions. I prefer to wear neoprene gloves to protect my rings when I cook or wash dishes or garden. This gives me the freedom to pick according to my mood more than my activities.

Knowing when and where you will wear your jewelry gives you the freedom to select what best suits both your tastes and your lifestyle.